Playing it by Ear

Eat Healthy All Year Round – Part 1

We have a tendency to oversimplify the food we eat, focusing on one nutrient it contains, for example cholesterol or sugar, and labelling it as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. There is no good or bad food, but rather good uses of food, e.g. banana bread may be the perfect afternoon snack for a hungry athlete before training, but may blow the calorie budget for a tiny gymnast. Also, it not unusual for athletes to take nutrition advice to extremes and avoid whole food groups at the expense of dangerously limiting their diet.

The truth is that nutrients do not exist in isolation and are not eaten individually. There is much more to a banana than just potassium, and more to eggs than just protein. Food is a complex mixture of hundreds of chemicals that interact with other chemicals in the body to achieve the desired effect.

• Try new foods and new recipes.
• Make use of the foods in season.
• Explore different types of food in each food group, e.g. try different breads made from a variety of grains.
• Mix and match foods, e.g. avoid only pasta at night.
• Don’t banish entire food groups; rather modify their intake.

Water is your most important nutrient, as dehydration can affect your performance and endanger your life. While we are mostly aware of our fluid needs on race day, we often forget about our day-to-day fluid needs. Thirst is not a good indicator of fluid requirements. You will need to work out your own fluid strategies depending on your training and environmental conditions.

• Start a training session well hydrated. On hot days have an extra glass of water before you start.
• Have fluids available during training sessions.
• Fully rehydrate between training sessions.
• Add a cordial or some fruit juice to flavour water to encourage drinking if need be.
• Monitor body weight changes in the morning to pick up chronic dehydration.

Carbohydrates play a vital role in exercise performance. It’s the main fuel for the body stored in the form of blood glucose and muscle or liver glycogen. Fully topped up stores can only last for 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the intensity of exercise and storage capacity. Therefore, carbohydrates should comprise about 50 to 60% of your daily energy intake.

Unfortunately, in our western ‘grab and go’ lifestyles, we often tend to opt for the most convenient source of carbs, which is generally of one grain only, namely wheat, e.g. breakfast cereals, bread, biscuits, pasta, couscous, etc. Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with eating wheat, especially when unrefined, but eating too much of it limits us consuming other healthy grains and their nutrients.

• Choose from a variety of carbohydrates, not just products made from one source, i.e. choose a variety of grains and starches such as barley, brown rice, quinoa, spelt, beans, lentils, sweet potato, corn, oats, rye, etc.
• Choose low glycaemic index carbs.
• Avoid refined versions of these foods, or foods with lots of added sugar, e.g. brown rice vs white rice, sweet potato vs mashed potato, whole grain bread vs white bread, whole oats vs sweetened instant oats, etc.

Fats are an important macronutrient in our diets as they provide a concentrated form of energy, make meals tasty, and supply essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins, all important for health and fitness. All naturally occurring fats can be divided into three main groups namely: polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and saturated fats. These fats are responsible for different roles in the body and should be eaten in different quantities. MUFAs and PUFAs should be included in small quantities and saturated fat in very small quantities, because of their links to various diseases. Other types of fat include cholesterol and trans-fatty acids. Trans-fats are artificial fats that are even more detrimental to health than saturated fat, so avoid them if possible.

• Not more than 30% of your daily calories should come from fat.
• Most of the fat you consume (30% of total fat) should come from MUFAs, e.g. oils form canola, olive, peanut, macadamia or avocado oil; nuts like peanuts, almonds, pecans, macadamias and cashews; or peanut butter, avocados and olives.
• Make sure you get adequate amounts of both essential fatty acids in your diet, omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs. These are fats that cannot be made by the body and are important because they form the building blocks of certain hormones that regulate essential biological function.
• On foods labels, look for fat ≤3g /100g, but at the very least ≤10g fat/100g.

A carbohydrate-rich meal consumed two to four hours before exercise significantly increases glycogen content of the muscles and liver that have been depleted overnight. You need about two to three units of carbs two to four hours before and then again an hour before the event.

Although it varies from person to person, generally lower glycaemic index carbs are best two to four hours before, and intermediate to higher glycaemic carbs an hour before the event. The benefits of consuming lower glycaemic carbs is that it does not lead to an overproduction of insulin, which helps to prevent low blood sugar levels and may help conserve liver glycogen stores.

• Adding small amounts of low-fat protein to your pre-event meal will help stabilise your blood sugar level, e.g. low-fat milk, yoghurt or cheese.
• A good example of a pre-event meal two to three hours before an event include: 2/3 cup of whole-wheat Pronutro with low-fat milk or a low-fat fruit smoothie. Have a 250ml carbohydrate drink 30 to 60 minutes before the event.

Caffeine is probably one of the most widely used drugs in the world and is found naturally in things such as leaves, nuts and seeds in a number of plants. Caffeine is known to help athletes train harder and longer. It also stimulates the brain and contributes to clearer thinking and greater concentration.

There are more than 70 good studies on the use of caffeine for both endurance exercise and short-term, higher intensity exercise. The vast majority of the studies conclude that caffeine does enhance performance and makes the effort seem easier (by about 6%). The average improvement in performance is about 12%, with more benefits noticed during endurance exercise than with shorter exercise (8-20min) and a negligible amount for sprinters.

More benefits are also noticed in athletes who rarely drink coffee, hence are not tolerant to its stimulant effect. Because each runner responds differently to caffeine, do not assume you will perform better with a caffeine-boost. You might just end up nauseated, coping with a ‘coffee stomach’, or suffering from caffeine jitters at a time when you are already nervous and anxious. And be forewarned: while a morning cup of coffee can assist with a desirable bowel movement, a pre-competition mug might lead to problems during the event! Experiment during training to determine if a caffeinated beverage or plain water is your best bet.


The miCoach Man

My Journey of Self Discovery

In 2008 I participated in my first Ironman. It changed me physically, emotionally and spiritually. A year later I crossed the line for the second time, and I am certain that it won’t be my last. To this day, I am still asked ‘why?’ The road to becoming a (Iron) man for me is a simple story. It was a journey of self-discovery, my darkness and my light, and finding meaning in my life. It’s about a rite of passage into manhood and the joy it has brought into my life every single day since then. I am truly humbled by the sheer magnitude of it all.

I have lived with fear and anxiety. No, let me be more honest. I live with fear and anxiety! It is part of our make-up that makes us human. It is instinctive, primal and reptilian; inherited and learnt. It is wrapped in human emotions and memories of ‘I can’, followed by a pregnant pause and that little voice of self-doubt that says ‘can I?’ I did my first Ironman because no-one else believed in me, and my second because I believed in myself! That is a very humbling and powerful place to be.

My conflicting mind, full of self-doubt, has always been a major stumbling block. We sit in our offices glued to Facebook and whining about our lot in life, when all we really need to do is believe in ourselves. “Easy for you.” I hear you say. “You are an Ironoman!” Perhaps now, but I wasn’t then. I was 95kg and unhappy. In fact, I was way more than unhappy; I was depressed, balding, overweight and lonely.

There is a parable that goes, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is simply, “One bite at a time.” And so it was with the journey to becoming an Ironman – one day at a time. At 95kg, I could chug around a 5km track, albeit a little slower than most, but I could do it. I had stopped smoking and knew that I was heading in the right direction. Five kilometres became 10, 16, and then my first half marathon. I knew that I needed to keep dangling the carrot of motivation firmly in my sights, so I entered the London Marathon. I remember being at the start line with my friends Neil and Pord, and asking them tentatively, “So if I finish this, do you think I could do Ironman?” Neil just smiled.

I finished the London Marathon in 4:25 and so in September 2007, my Ironman preparation began in earnest. Transition, tri-bars and speedo just weren’t in my vocabulary, and added to this, my swimming technique was a consistent two-strokes-wipe-face-panic! However, I had dropped to 92kg and found an awesome training partner, companion, friend and Ironman – my amazing friend Vix. We challenged, motivated and inspired each other. I also made a few enquiries, put together a vigorous training programme and plied my new friends with Vida coffee to gather every bit of information about the event that I could.

With my growing distance training came a new physique, a new energy and a whole new attitude. Each new event was a challenge and a stepping stone to my ultimate goal. One of the bigger stones in my path was the 2007 Ironman 70.3 in Buffalo City. I stood at the start line, at a streamlined 82kg, with my stomach in my throat and adrenaline surging through my veins. It tested me, but I succeeded. I knew then that I would be an Ironman.

The month prior to the Spec-Savers Ironman was by far the hardest for me. Gaunt and lean, I just wanted it to happen already. Like a groom on his wedding day, the big event arrived and suddenly I found myself in tears as I ran down the carpet and over the finish line. I was an Ironman! The day was momentous and the beginning of so many bigger things that would follow. I am so grateful for everyone that was there – those are bonds I will never ever forget!

I had become an Ironman and the surge of what had changed in me flowed on. I know now what I sensed then, that to lead, I first needed to serve. My story has, in turn, inspired five others on their journey to Ironman in 2009: Porra, Wayne, Craig, Alex and Lizl are incredible individuals. What is also fantastic to note it that Craig lost 42kg and when Ironman announcer, Paul Kaye, shouted “Craig Corte, you are an Ironman!”, he simply responded with “Indeed I am.” I also salute Lizl, who having missed the cut-off at 70.3, still had the courage to drive forward and cross the finish line to become an Ironman just eight minutes before cut-off. They are the real Ironmen.

Beyond society’s judgment and our own expectations; and in the stillness of our minds, there is a strength and presence that is steadfast and thorough. When you commit, providence steps in. You see, it does not matter how extreme or what your challenge is. All that matters is that you are doing something incredible with your life, something that touches your soul – because you believe in yourself.

My journey has lead to the creation of my own adventure lifestyle company called LIFESTRUCK. I believe that by doing first, you empower others to believe in their own glorious abilities. LIFESTRUCK is a platform created to share adventure stories of inspiration, of people following their dreams. Part of the LIFESTRUCK programme is helping people achieve not only their training goals, but also their life goals and dreams! LIFESTRUCK is about setting you on fire! It’s an adventure lifestyle business that specialises in giving life to dreams and making them a reality. LIFESTRUCK provides its members not only with training programmes and advice, but also creates a support base where you can connect with others who are on the same journey to become active, achieve their goals and change their lives! LIFESTRUCK also helps you get in touch with your emotional, physical and spiritual strengths, and connect them with physical success.

So if you’re hiding away from life, too afraid to come out of your little corner for whatever reason, dig deep and find the courage to do something incredible and change your life for the better, forever! Believe me, you can do it!

My thanks to all who gave me their unconditional love and support. You rock!

Dream Job

Mighty Melissa

When most 10-year-olds are naughty and need to be punished, they are sent to their rooms, or not allowed to see their friends for a week. But in Melissa Glenn’s case, her parents need to use a whole different tactic; they tell her she is not allowed to go for her daily running session. And this breaks Melissa’s heart, because at the tender age of 10, running and swimming have become her two greatest passions in life.

She recently competed in her first international Biathle (500m run, 50m swim, 500m run) race where she made her parents, school and above all herself very proud by placing fourth in the u/10 category at the Biathle World Championships held in Dubai on 30 October. Not only was it the first time she swam competitively in the ocean, it was also the first time she faced fierce international competition from youngsters from countries such as Great Britain, Egypt and Spain. She was the second-youngest competitor at the event, with the youngest competitor only being one day younger.

Melissa started swimming when she was in nursery school and only got involved in biathle after one of her sisters, Courtney (13), participated in the sport. The sisters reversed roles and soon Melissa was hooked on biathle while Courtney decided to take a break from competition. Their youngest sister, Chelsea (9) also tried her hand at biathle and was very good at it, but did not take as well to the training as Melissa, who loves every second of it.

The girls’ parents, Lee-Ann and Gavin, have never put any pressure on any of their daughters, and allow them to choose whatever sport they love doing. This is probably one of the reasons why Melissa has excelled. In 2009 she participated in her first SA Biathle Championships and finished 13th in her age group. Last year she improved in leaps and bounds and finished second!

Be it swimming or running, Melissa loves both. Whenever you are at the local time trial in Benoni, you are sure to find a petite blonde runner who will most likely pass most people on the 4km route. Melissa, who attends Summerfields Primary School, blitzes around the course in a time of 18:42 – not bad for a 10-year-old girl.

She trains four days a week with running coach Richard O’Donoghue and also participates in athletics and cross-country at school. At the end of last year, she walked away with a whole bag of trophies at the school’s year-end prize-giving. “Melissa loves running and often asks us to drop her a few hundred metres from our house so she can run back home. The neighbours probably think we are slave drivers,” chuckles her dad Gavin.

Melissa will move up to the u/12 age group this year and is hoping to get another chance to participate at the World Biathle Championships, which will be held in Monaco later this year. Her swimming hero is Natalie du Toit and one day when she is a bit older, she would love to do triathlons, says Melissa. She is keen to start trying her hand at the Energade series soon.

“It’s strange how many parents of children who do biathle actually end up getting involved in triathlons themselves, as a lot of the biathletes move on to triathlons,” says Lee-Ann. Gavin then adds “I would love to get involved in triathlons with my kids, but I am a bit scared of the swim! It would be great to do some sporting events as a family.”

“We are so proud of Melissa. She puts so much effort into her sport and we admire her for that,” he continues. “We are proud of all our children and believe they must choose the sport they love. We don’t want to push them. When they find what they love, they will do well at it.”

Even though Prince Albert from Monaco is a huge Biathle fan and competitor himself, biathle is not that well known. In short, it comprises a run and swim, and while distances vary for different age groups, all distances are kept short. Locally, most swims are in pools, while internationally competitors swim in the ocean. Biathle is seen as the breeding ground for Modern Pentathlon, which is an Olympic sport.

Painful Husband

CrossFit to Super Fit

When exercise scientist and CrossFit instructor Imtiaz Desai invited myself and a friend to a training session at a newly opened CrossFit branch in Bedfordview, I didn’t know what to expect. But I love trying new things, so it was a sporting adventure I welcomed. Before we left, I did a bit of research on CrossFit and found out that it has taken the USA by storm, but is still relatively new in South Africa. Still, I had no idea what was waiting for me!

I imagined a gym type set-up for the classes, and since the gym environment has never really appealed to me, I was pleasantly surprised at the ‘warehouse’ type of indoor/outdoor environment we were going to train in. When you walk into a CrossFit facility you won’t find rows of traditional gym machines. All you will find are weights, exercise balls, rowing machines, kettlebells and bars, amongst other things. Seeing all the weights made me wonder aloud to my friend: “Those must be for the guys, I wonder where the girls’ stuff is?” I would soon find out that the equipment I was looking at was exactly what I would soon be lifting, jumping over or swinging on!

Imtiaz first explained that many people believe that machine-based or isolation exercises coupled with extended aerobic sessions develops optimal fitness. Some people also think that endurance capacity is the key to a fit body, and endurance athletes are often held as exemplars of fitness. CrossFit advocates a totally different approach.

The easiest way to explain CrossFit is that it is a combination of running sprints, Olympic weightlifting, kettlebell training, gymnastics (yes, prepare for those handstands) and power-lifting. And then, of course, that one word that still makes me break out in a cold sweat: squats. And lots of them! CrossFit encompasses so much, and one thing is for sure, it isn’t easy! Classes are generally small and Imtiaz kept a constant eye on all of us, helping and encouraging.

When Imtiaz mentioned that one of our workouts would include weightlifting as well as some gymnastics, I was a bit apprehensive, as the last time I did gymnastics was in primary school. But he quickly explained that gymnastics not only refers to the traditional sport, but all activities where the aim is body control without external loads. The basis for gymnastic ability comes from pull-ups, push-ups, dips and jumping, which develop strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, accuracy and agility.

He also explained the difference between weightlifting and weight training. Weightlifting refers to the Olympic sport which includes the ‘clean’ and ‘jerk and snatch’ movements. These lifts are based on the deadlift, clean, squat and overhead press. These movements are essential to everyday life and athletic performance. Initially, I had no idea how weightlifting would help my running, but Imtiaz explained it develops strength, speed and power, and requires substantial flexibility. The requirement of moving heavy loads in a technical manner also improves balance, coordination, accuracy and agility. Weightlifting has also been shown to have a significant impact on cardiovascular fitness.

The best thing about CrossFit is that no workout is ever the same. CrossFit uses interval training to develop aerobic fitness and strength, and the workouts were always challenging and quite hard. You might be surprised to know that the actual workout is only eight minutes long! But that is preceded by 40 minutes of warming-up, running sprints, push-ups or weightlifting. I can already hear you say: “Only eight minutes, how hard can that be?” Well, very hard! Those eight minutes were more intense than many races I have done. I was taken so far out of my comfort zone that I doubted my ability to continue, but each time we all managed and became that little bit stronger.

The CrossFit program applies all the different training tools in an infinite number of combinations. There is no adherence to a particular amount of sets, repetitions or rest periods. The movements are compound, using several joints and muscle groups at once. The motor recruitment patterns found in these movements are similar to those found in movements of everyday life and sport, and they have been proven to enhance our functional and sports capacity. Finally, the movements are applied at relatively high intensity, because the greater the stimulus, the greater the adaptation.

CrossFit makes use of three models to guide, achieve and evaluate, and complete fitness requires competency and training in each of these pathways:
• The first model is based on 10 physical skills: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these skills.
• The second model refers to an individual’s ability to perform a physical task, with your fitness measured by your capacity to perform these tasks in relation to other individuals.
• The third model is based on the three metabolic pathways that provide the energy for all human movement. The phosphagen system provides energy for the highest powered activities that last about 10 seconds, the glycolytic system provides energy for moderate-powered activities that last up to several minutes, and the aerobic system provides energy for low-powered activities that last longer than several minutes.

CrossFit has contributed to increasing my overall fitness level and especially my overall strength and body conditioning. It is about pushing yourself harder and challenging yourself in ways you never thought possible. But don’t worry about bulking up and building muscle that will make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like a ballerina. Apart from the strength and conditioning benefits, it will actually help you develop a lean and toned body. It takes a bit of time to get the technique right, but once you’ve got it, it is an amazing feeling!

CrossFit is for anyone passionate about improving their overall fitness and becoming a stronger all-round athlete. If you are keen to try it out, visit the CrossFit Jozi website at, Which includes links to CrossFit studios across the country. Also log on to to check out some cool CrossFit videos.


Typical examples include:

100m sprints followed by 10 push-ups followed by10 squats before you start all over again!
20 Kettlebell swings followed by, 1 minute of skipping followed by 20 sit-ups. 

All workouts are done at a very fast pace and workouts are timed. You keep count of how many rounds you are able to complete. These get recorded so you are able to see your progress over time.

CrossFit was founded by former high school gymnast Greg Glassman and his former wife Lauren. The Glassman’s began training clients in the garage of their California home and their athletes soon began to distinguish themselves in the ring, stadiums and gyms. In 2001 the Glassmans launched, and today there are over 2000 official CrossFit affiliates worldwide.

The Natural Way

Age is Just a Number

Ken Poole only took up running in his late 30’s after a family member convinced him to enter a local road race, and like most South African runners, he had to go on to conquer the iconic Comrades Marathon. To say that this man has a massive natural talent for our sports is an understatement. He ran his first Comrades at 39 and returned the following year to run his first silver medal in an incredible time of 7:13. Ken has gone on to run a total of 21 Comrades, with nine silver medals; his last silver was at the rip old age of 58 – the oldest person to earn a silver medal on the day. He has run 12 Two Oceans, earning five silvers, and has won so many local road races in his age category, that when asked if he could type it all out, he could not fit it all on an A4 page!

Ken’s impressive list of achievements doesn’t stop there. As if ultra-distance running is not enough, Ken is also an Ironman champion. An Ironman race is regarded as one of the world’s most gruelling single-day endurance events, with athletes putting their bodies through anything from eight to 17 hours of non-stop exertion. The average age of most Ironman competitors is between 35 and 44, and most Average Joe’s (if you dare call an Ironman athlete average) run onto the red carpet in anything between 12 and 14 hours. Now knowing this, you will realise what an extraordinary man Kenneth Poole is; at the age of 69 he recently won his age group (65-69) at the SunSmart Ironman Western Australia in a magnificent time of 11:42, smashing the previous record (12:06) by almost 30 minutes. What makes his achievement even more remarkable is that Ken is one of the oldest competitors in his age category.

His victory was made even sweeter by the fact that his training partner of 12 years, Rob Coulson, placed third in his age category (55-59) at the same event. Rob is an accomplished athlete in his own right. He won his age category at Ironman 70.3 last year and also won Ironman SA in 2008. Prior to running, Rob had been involved in all forms of baseball, from junior to senior level. He will be doing his 10th Comrades and 10th Ironman this year.

Ken’s list of achievements in triathlon is very impressive. Besides winning the Gauteng and SA Triathlon Champs in his age category countless times, he has finished on the podium at eight Ironman races. The list continues: Ken also completed the Duzi Canoe Marathon and the former SA Leppan Ironman. Back then Ironman consisted of paddling, cycling and running, and Ken finished a highly creditable 13th.

Not many people look forward to birthdays as they get older, but Ken can’t wait to turn 70. You may wonder why. Well, from next year he will be the “youngster” competing in the 70-74 age category and he has set his sights on a podium position not only at Ironman SA in 2011, but also at the prestigious World Ironman Champs in Kona, Hawaii.

Ken initially didn’t settle with one club, but then the legendary Barry Holland from Jeppe Athletics invited him to join a ‘good club’, and he did not hesitate. That was 15 years ago, and today Ken is still a proud Jeppe member.

So why did two such accomplished road runners like Ken and Rob make the switch from pure road running to triathlons? “We wanted to do something besides just run! Also, though triathlons require a lot more training than running, they are easier on your body. But the nicest thing about triathlons is you can be very competitive within your age group, you have races within a race” says Ken.

“Winning a triathlon is a very rewarding experience, especially because you have put a lot of time and training into it. That’s probably one of the reasons why we enjoy triathlons more, because we achieve better than in running. And when you finish an Ironman race and the commentator calls out your name, saying that you are now an Ironman, it is a very special feeling,” says Rob.

They both love adventure and in 1999 the two men summitted Kilimanjaro with a group of Jeppe athletes. Ken is also a veteran of over a thousand freefall skydive jumps.

Triathlons require dedication, motivation and most importantly, many hours of training. Both men start their day at 4:30am, training twice and sometimes even three times a day. Their training sessions are built into three-week blocks where they train every day before taking a two-day break. After each week, they build intensity and mileage slowly. Both believe they have enough experience by now to train the way they know works for them. They log every training session and at the end of every day, week and month they can tell you exactly how many kilojoules they have burnt and how many kilometres they have swum, biked and run.

After Ironman SA in April, they focus their training solely on Comrades, which is usually only six to seven weeks later. “The fitness you gain from training for an Ironman race definitely pulls you through the gruelling Comrades Marathon,” says Rob. “For example, last year Comrades was run five weeks after Ironman. Ken and I took a week’s rest after Ironman, then we ran in the rain, got flu and had to take another week off. We ran for two weeks and took one more week off before Comrades, but we still did well: I finished in 8:33 and Ken finished in 10:49.”

Ken and Rob trained hard for their Australian trip in December and were well prepared for the gruelling race. However, in triathlon racing it is difficult to see who your closest competitors are, as entrants don’t wear age tags as in running races. Ken therefore usually makes a mental note of the race numbers of his competitors, so when he started running he saw one of his competitors in front of him. “I had a terrible first lap but as I went along things got better. On the second lap I managed to pass him and open up a considerable gap. Though I was ahead of him I was not sure who else was in front of me. It was only when I crossed the finish line that I realised I had won and broken the record. I was very happy!”

Rob and Ken will both be competing at Ironman SA in April, but have their sights set on rather running a good Comrades Marathon in May. “In 2012 we will concentrate more on Ironman SA, as we would love to win our age categories and go to the World Champs in Hawaii,” says Ken. They have both competed in Hawaii before, and say this time they are planning everything way in advance. Like arriving in Hawaii at least three weeks before the race to acclimatise. “The atmosphere in Hawaii is fantastic. The top 5% athletes in the world are there. You see these guys training from 5am till 10pm and you think they are crazy, but that is what they do, and why they are such good athletes.”

Ken and Rob believe it is all about consistency, mental strength and a fine balance when racing and training to be an Ironman. “Many people have a fear of the water and that’s why they don’t even consider doing triathlons in the first place. When you swim it feels as if you don’t have control over anything, while with cycling and running you have more control: you can stop and put your feet on the ground at any minute. The best advice we can give when swimming is to stay calm and not use too much energy,” says Rob.

There is also a fine balance you need to maintain when racing to make sure you get the swim, bike and run right and don’t go too hard or to slow in any of the three disciplines, says Ken. Remember to be consistent in your training; don’t just concentrate on one discipline that you consider to be your weakest discipline. “Train sensibly, don’t race in training!” Nutrition also plays a huge role in training and racing, especially on the bike.
The most important factor is mental strength. “Ironman is not a fun event; it is a hard day out. On the day every entrant takes a lot of strain, no matter if you are an elite or an average athlete. Just keep going and don’t give up. You have to push through to get the medal. You have done all the training, now you just need to get through the day, cross the finish line, get your medal and smile. That is what it is all about,” says Rob.

Maybe you’ve just finished Ironman 70.3 and now you’re considering taking on the big mamma, but wondering if you are ready. “It all depends on your fitness level and how you’ve trained up to now. You have to be sure you can go the distance and keep up with the training, which involves huge distances and many hours. If you finished comfortably, then go for it, but if you scraped in at the end, rather wait another year,” says Ken.

Adventure Addicts

The Comeback Kid

Vicky van der Merwe is a frustrated athlete. The 20-year-old third-year UNISA law student from Durbanville in the Cape, who lives, studies and trains in Stellenbosch, has been sidelined by two stress fractures and then glandular fever for the past year. All she wants to do right now is get back into training and regain the form that saw her winning provincial titles and Energade series races, qualifying for five consecutive World Triathlon Championships as well as claiming three junior World Titles in biathle (run/swim/run).

“The last year and a half was a big disappointment for me. I was in Australia for the World Champs and we trained on the actual race course, I was fit and lean and well prepped, but on the day I was overtrained and had to bail during the bike leg. I just had no power left in my legs. I still finished third in the 2009 Energade series, but overall my season was disappointing. I just wasn’t racing well, and didn’t know why,” says Vicky.

“I went to the doctor and was diagnosed as being close to anaemic. Then during the Energade series, I picked up the two stress fractures, first in my shin, then my hip. The doctors told me to take two to three months off, but when I came back and began training for the SA Champs, I only lasted three weeks before my hip flared up. I managed to finish second in the under-23 category at the champs, but I struggled with my hip in the run, which is normally my strongest leg, and I’ve been out injured ever since.”

Then a few months ago, just as the injuries appeared to be clearing up, Vicky was struck down by glandular fever. “I was so sick that I ended up in hospital, and the doctors told me I’m also bordering on chronic fatigue syndrome, and need medication to help my liver function properly! Glandular fever can take up to 12 months to clear out of your system, so they told me to start slowly, with 30-minute walks or 15 minutes of spinning. That was so frustrating, because I was really amped to get going again after the injuries!”

Vicky was a strong swimmer in primary school, then took up running when she began high school in Stellenbosch. Soon she was talked into giving triathlon a try, and success soon followed. “I won the Western Province Champs when I was 15, then went to the SA Champs and came out of the water second, but finished the bike leg stone last. I ran like crazy and caught them all again to finish second in the under-23 category.”

That Saw her selected for the SA team for the World Champs in Japan, where she finished 60th. “I had a good swim and run there, but again got dropped on the bike. I realised I needed to work on my bike, so in standard eight I went to Germany to train with a cycling coach. At the next World Champs, in Switzerland, I came 14th, and I also started winning some of the Energade events.” That was Vicky’s breakthrough breakthrough year, and she was signed up by the Nestle Purelife team. Later she moved to her current BSG team.

Vicky’s short-term goal now is to get back on the local scene and do well in the Energade Series, which is important for her sponsors, BSG, Puma and Oakley, who have stuck by her throughout her long lay-off. “After that, I want to race internationally again, and try to qualify for the 2012 London Olympics. Going to the Olympics is my ultimate goal.”

In the meantime, she is trying to stay motivated and upbeat, but says it is sometimes hard. “The other day I put some pics of my last Europe trip up on Facebook, and that just made me sad, because I miss the lifestyle so much. I miss getting up at 5am to train. I miss being smashed at night. I miss the pain, the massages, the travelling. When I get the go-ahead to get back into full training, I’m going to go run with everybody I know – and I have a lot of athlete friends!”


On Our Way!


The Comrades Marathon Association’s (CMA) 2011 AmaBeadiBeadi Charity Campaign was launched in Johannesburg in November and its main intention is to foster wider support for charitable fundraising for the CMA’s five official charities.

An exciting facet to this year’s campaign is that runners have the opportunity to improve their seeding batch, while raising funds for a good cause. This innovative initiative is the brainchild of popular radio personality Brad Brown, who thought up the idea whilst fundraising during his first Comrades Marathon run this year. The story behind Brad’s novel and noble gesture is an emotional one, which strongly epitomises what this exciting endeavour is all about.

• The CMA has reserved 1000 entries for runners who sign up for the Race 4 Charity initiative and raise R5000 by getting 100 friends, family and colleagues to sponsor them R50 each to run the Comrades Marathon. This will ensure that they get to start in their own special seeding batch (CC – Comrades Charity batch) near the front of the field on race day. So if you’re a ‘back of the pack’ runner, this is your chance to get into that special seeding batch.
• Go to the Comrades website and follow the Race 4 Charity link. Here, runners are able to sign up, whilst family, friends and supporters can make donations and leave messages of motivation. Runners get to choose which of the five AmaBeadiBeadi charities they would like to support. The campaign takes on an added air of excitement as prizes are up for grabs for those who raise the most funds.
• All Race 4 Charity runners will also receive an exclusive goodie bag which they can collect at the charity stand during registration.
• The entry process remains a simple one. Runners need to enter Comrades 2011 by 30 November, but will have until 6 May 2011 to sign up for Race 4 Charity and raise funds. Please note that normal race rules still apply for entries and there are no refunds should a runner fail to qualify or raise the minimum amount.

The AmaBeadiBeadi Charity initiative gives individuals the opportunity to not just make a difference, but to unite people of all backgrounds to get involved and race for charity, in order to effect a greater positive change in the country. “The AmaBeadiBeadi campaign is just as much a charity drive as it is a thank you to the Rainbow Nation for supporting the Comrades Marathon. We encourage our runners to embrace this noble initiative and to do their part for the greater good of South Africa,” says CMA Chariman Peter Proctor.

All AmaBeadiBeadi charities – the Community Chest, Wildlands Trust, Sports Trust, Pink Drive and Starfish – will benefit from this exciting campaign. So, if you’ve ever yearned to do something for the environment or to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate, then Race 4 Charity is for you, as its sole purpose is to facilitate the process of raising money for a good cause. As Brad puts it, “A rising tide lifts all ships.”’

Visit and click on the Race 4 Charity link to be a part of this amazing initiative.


30 DOWN, 10 TO GO!

It has happened to millions of people. You finish school, head out to the ‘real world’ of working hard and trying to create a future. Before you know it, you’ve settled down, started a family, and then suddenly something resembling a spare wheel appears around your middle. This is exactly what happened to Magz Khomane, but the difference is that she decided to take her life back after a vicious battle with her weight for almost four years.

It all started with the birth of her son, Kagisho, five years ago. “For the first three years of his life, Kagisho was sick and in hospital almost every three months. He had seizures and was on different antibiotics every month. I changed jobs quite frequently during this time and started neglecting myself by eating wrongly, worrying all the time, not exercising and falling into bad habits.”

“When I realised I had grown too big for my size 42 clothes, it was the last straw. At my heaviest I weighed about 115kg. I suffered from high blood pressure, insomnia and migraines, never smiled, and was pretty much depressed. When my doctor told me I will have to take medication to control my blood pressure for the rest of my life, I decided; ‘hell no!’ I decided then and there to lose weight and take my life back.”

“A friend of mine had told me about Adventure Boot Camp (ABC) for women. I had seen her go from plump to ripped in a few months, so I decided to join her at ABC. For the first two weeks my body was in shock. I’ve always been athletic, but hadn’t exercised in a long time. I also felt guilty at first, because I thought I was being selfish for taking an hour every day for myself rather than being with Kagisho.”

But Magz soon realised that an hour away from Kagisho every day was a far better choice than possibly not being there for him at all if she carried on with her unhealthy lifestyle. “I had to make sure I live so I could look after my son. You can’t allow something to kill you if you have control over it. When you’re a single mom, it’s difficult to leave your child and just take time for yourself, but you have to do it for yourself. You are of no use to anybody if you’re not happy.”

Magz religiously stuck to her early morning training schedule at Adventure Bootcamp at Emmarentia in Johannesburg. This involved an hour long session three times a week of a jogging, sprinting, push-ups, sit-ups, skipping rope, core conditioning and much more!  

Soon Magz could see the difference in her body and this motivated her even more to stick to her exercising guns. She combined her training with a healthy eating plan. “I was not on a strict diet where I ate three fruits and five veggies every day. I made a major mental shift. These days I don’t eat as much starch as I used to, I’ve decreased my portion sizes, I don’t eat if I’m not hungry, and I drink lots of water. Previously I didn’t use to eat at work and then binged when I went home, because I was famished. Now I eat breakfast, a pre-packed lunch, and I only boil, steam and grill my food… no more frying!”

Her commitment paid off and she went from 105kg in July to 75kg today. She plans to lose another 10kg by her birthday in February, to ‘officially bring sexy back.’ An avid volleyball player in her younger years, she plans on hitting the courts again in the New Year to keep her fitness levels up, and has also taken up golf to help her unwind.

Magz is a firm believer in mind over matter and says if it wasn’t for her attitude she wouldn’t have lost 30kg. “I started exercising with the attitude that I have to do this and I’m going to do this no matter what!” Her attitude obviously paid off and Magz’ philosophy on exercise and endurance can serve as inspiration to many a runner. “You need dedication if you want to achieve success, but your mind is stronger than your body, so it’s easy to fool your body. If you tell your body that it can keep going, it will just play along.”

She is philosophical about her weight-loss journey and says that nothing that has happened to her during the past four years has been without reason. “You learn from everything and it makes you stronger. You have to decide for yourself how you’re going to deal with difficult situations and then go through with the decision.”

Magz tries to take part in a fun run or walk every month, and always takes Kagisho with her. Since she has lost the weight, she is smiling again, her migraines have disappeared and her blood pressure is under control. In short, she has taken her life back!

Foot Pain!

They Say Time Heals…

If you have ever loved someone, you will have thought about that phone call. You know the one. Will it come in the middle of the night, in the foggy space between dream and reality, or during the day while you are washing the dishes, or rushing out the door? Will it be expected after a long fight with a disease, or will it be sudden, like when you stand up too quickly? What will you say into the phone? What will your body feel like?

My phone call came on the 8th of April, and it was a rare day that I was not expecting it. For 12 years I had expected that phone call. Bob spent all his beautiful, vital energy running towards death. Testing it, toying with it. He jumped out of airplanes and even off a bridge with a parachute. He solo climbed the biggest mountains and hardest routes in the Southern Hemisphere, cycled across Africa, and drove his small, sleek car too fast down the N3 to get home…

And so I waited for that call. I rolled it around in my mind, and thought I knew my reaction, but when it came, the breath got stuck in my throat, and suddenly I was outside of myself. My teeth started chattering. I felt so cold. Nausea washed over me in breathless waves and my only instinct was to run, and run, and run. And never stop. It wasn’t really the desire to run away, but the pursuit of pure movement, of tasting the elements, and testing the pain. That first day, I ran up Chapman’s peak drive. I only managed an hour and a half, but it was pure and clear, and it exonerated my grief. The weather was perfect. Cold biting wind and stinging rain.

Running has been part of my life since I was six years old. I wanted to complete the school cross-country race, so I started running. I discovered the perfect escape of running solo. I was never particularly fast or brilliant, but maybe my talent has been a mixture of a macabre high pain threshold, and pure determination and discipline. While pushing the boundaries of my music and art career, performing around the world, working with my band Naked, and living a bit of a rock and roll life, Bob nonchalantly strolled in and instantly stole the show.

It really was love at first sight, corny as that sounds. From the moment we met we both knew we had found our soul mate. We had one date, canoeing in a thunderstorm, and at the tender age of 21, I packed my bags, and moved in with him. We pursued a very active lifestyle together. All our spare time was spent running, cycling, canoeing, climbing, hiking and swimming… and a good few parties, as well. By 24, I gave birth in our bath to our daughter Lilu and my career and life was once again changed forever. I focused my attention on my first solo album, which later won a South African Music Award. I was also writing and producing music for television, enjoying the flexibility of working as a recording artist, while juggling being a mom and wife, and of course running…

In 2005 I received a message from my club, RAC, informing me that I had been selected for the Gauteng team to race in the national marathon championships. It was a big surprise. I had generally managed a top 10 place in my races, but had always considered myself a bit limited in the running arena. However, it turned out that this was the boost I needed. I started training more efficiently and I went on to win several road races and represented Gauteng in both the marathon and half marathon national champs, and picked up sponsorships in running and triathlon. But truth be known, running became my obsession.

I devoured books on the subject, and spent hours on the road and in the gym. My computer’s main function was to log my training, and as my body fat percentage shrank, so did my marriage and my career. Then, after winning the Spring Striders 32km race, I bounced back into hard training without a second for rest and recovery. I was breaking all the basic rules, and I knew it. Within days I detected a peculiar and persistent pain in my lower leg. A friend urged me to go for X-rays, and it turned out her fears were well founded: I had a stress fracture and I was put off all exercise for six weeks.

It was a hard slap in the face. My body and my relationship were in tatters, and I had forgotten why I was doing this all in the first place: because I love it. But six weeks and two kilograms later, I discovered I was pregnant with my second child. Running had miscarried several previous pregnancies, and it was with much joy and relief that I turned my back on competitive running and spent the next nine months repairing my damaged marriage and nurturing the beautiful growing creature inside me, our son Mojo. I was happy and counted myself lucky that I had achieved many of my goals in running, and had the wonderful and unlikely experiences that I had.

We decided to escape the big smoke and move to the Natal Midlands, and though it put other pressures on us with Bob commuting to Johannesburg, it was the change of pace that I needed. My cross-training was now riding my horses, strength training was working in the garden, and flexibility came from my rather overzealous arts and culture teaching at the local school. My running was limited to three times a week, with no watch or mileage check, and often over dirt paths and mountains. I was fit, but also much stronger, with sexier curves! Our marriage was finally blossoming after eight years, and the next four years were intensely happy. I didn’t think about races or personal best times, or track training or hill repeats. So on that fateful day in April, I knew that I had no regrets.

We were on holiday in Cape Town. It was the first real family holiday we had ever taken, and we spent rare time with family and friends. On the 8th of April, Bob, Mojo and I went down to St James beach. We spent a blissful day playing in the waves, lying in the sun reading the newspaper, and having a lazy lunch at the local bistro. I clearly remember ordering Canaloni Amore, and the waitress warned me that I would feel very passionate after eating it. Bob and I giggled about that. Our love was palpable that day.

We got back to the house and he quickly changed into light climbing gear. He had a skip in his step because he was going to spend a few happy hours with his good friends, doing the thing he loved. Mojo and I played outside and as the darkness started creeping in, I thought to myself how glad I was that Bob must be having such a great time. For once, I didn’t think about the phone call. The rock fell off Table Mountain and killed him instantly, but didn’t stop there; it crashed into my life and tore up the solid ground that I was standing on.

So after that fateful day, I spent the next few months building up my running mileage and my career with equal ferocity, and grappling with a completely altered self-identity. I started setting up my recording studio at home, and getting in touch with old music buddies. It was time to pour all of this raw emotion into making music. I wanted to write songs and get on stage and drink from this well of emotions. But what I had not factored into my programme was that grief is an almighty beast. My body started aching from top to toe, and every movement became an effort. I struggled to maintain a sense of purpose, and I was drowned by feelings of anxiety, self-loathing and doubt.

My sense of identity was in crisis. Did I still have what it takes? Was my music still relevant? Did anyone ever want to see me on stage again? Equally, would I ever run under four minutes a kilometre again? And the great big clanging bell that rang loudest; would I ever have a partner again that understood the nuances of my quirky life, and would love my imperfections and inadequacies. All that history was obliterated. Once again, my body was the symptom of my internal problems. I suffered a deep muscle tear in my right calf, and was put off running for a few weeks. I used the opportunity to regroup and focus on strength training.

As soon as I was good to go again, and with renewed energy, I set my sights on my next goal. I needed to test my running in a race. So I entered my first running race in five years. My hopes were to finish in a good position and to test my speed. I chose a 20km trail race. As we lined up at the start, I was dismayed to see the perfect example of a female competitive runner line up next to me. We spent the next 20km tussling for the lead position. My only advantage was my past running experience and my newly discovered capacity to endure pain. The route was spectacular, though extremely tough, but I enjoyed the challenges of the uneven terrain, and the fast single-track downhill was thrilling. My nemesis eventually took first place, but truthfully, I was delighted with my second position. It was a good re-entry into the fray, and I had enjoyed every hard breathe. I could now start making plans for my other running goals.

So how does a heart rate monitor measure a broken heart? They say time heals, but I know I will never be the same. How many years will it take for me to stop reaching out to Bob’s side of the bed in the middle of the night, or imagine his crazy, wild spirit walking through the door? But I will tell you one thing with absolute certainty; it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, and I will spend the rest of my life waiting to meet him again.

Running Vows

Jingle Bells!

Gifts for under R200

Reflective Running Strips
Running and cycling in South Africa can be dangerous, especially on those dark mornings or evenings when drivers can’t always see you. Make sure you head out with a pair of reflective running strips that you can strap around your wrists or ankles. Be seen and be safe! (R50-R100 at various sports shops.)

Running Socks
No runner can ever have enough socks! So you can’t go wrong when buying this essential in every runner’s cupboard. Just remember there are different socks for different sports, so make sure you choose the right type for your loved one. (R20-R100 at various sports shops.)

Running Cap
Living in sunny South Africa is good for running, but bad for your skin and eyes. Every runner needs a running cap and if you are a woman, you probably need one in each colour to match your running outfits! Make sure you buy one that’s lightweight, waterproof and absorbs (moistuer-manages) sweat. (R100-200 at various sports shops.)

A Long Walk To Running
Olly Maujean not only ran his first Comrades this year, he also wrote a book about his Comrades journey, and it’s a must-have for any runner who has ever run Comrades, and any novice who is brave enough to attempt it! A Long Walk to Running is one of the most hilarious reads on running you will find! It’s a perfect Christmas gift for your running friends or loved ones. (R184.68 at – postage and delivery included.)

Nedbank Runner’s Guide 2011
There’s a reason why this book is known as the ‘Racer’s Bible’ in South Africa. It is the essential guide for anyone who wants to run some races in 2011 and contains all the information you’ll need to plan your racing calendar in the New Year. Details on trail running are a new addition to the book, while comprehensive route descriptions and profiles are sure to help you to a possible PB. (Approximately R110 at various sports shops and bookstores.)

Gifts for under R500

My Comeback, Up Close and Personal (Lance Armstrong)
You’d have to search far and wide to find a more inspirational person than Lance Armstrong. His latest book will inspire you to get out of the bed for those early morning training runs or rides – the awesome photos and anecdotes are sure to get you on the road in no time. A must-read for any athlete! (R220 at most bookstores, Sportsmans Warehouse and

Compression Socks
No, there isn’t a seventies revival in the running community! All those runners you see wearing tight-fitting, calf-hugging socks are doing so to improve blood circulation in their legs, thereby improving recovery from long, hard runs. The science makes sense, so give them a try. (R150-R500 at most sports shops.)

Tog Bag
Runners’ tog bags go through a lot: Most of them are filled with a pair of smelly shoes and sweaty clothes and often the bags are left in a hot car too! So, most runners will appreciate a fresh, odour-free tog bag under the Christmas tree. Why not consider the adidas Basic Essentials Team Bag? It has separate compartments for smelly clothes and a special spot for your shoes. (R200-R400 at adidas stores.)

Power Plus Bracelet
Developed to improve your balance, help you recover faster and just make you an altogether better athlete, these bracelets are a must-have. Just make sure you buy the real thing as there are hundreds of cheap knock-offs out there that claim to be the real thing. (Available at the Runner Group, Action Sports outlets, The Athletes Foot and Wellness Warehouse. You can also order them online at at R399).

First Ascent Apple Jacket
A handy little rain jacket that not only rolls up to the size of an apple, but also fits into its own little pocket. It’s one of those items you simply must have in your backpack whenever you hit the trails – it takes up so little space and will only add 90 grams to the weight on your back. And it’s unisex! (Available from Sportsmans Warehouse at R400.)

iPod Shuffle
If you need music to keep your feet moving, there’s no better gadget than the iPod Shuffle. This nifty little gadget is so small, you won’t even know you’re carrying it. Clip it to your clothing, backpack or purse strap and it stays put, whether you’re running an errand or running around the track. It gives you 2GB of storage capacity and up to 15 hours of battery life, so it’s good for hundreds of songs on the run. And it’s available in you’re favourite colour! (R499 at the Apple Store, Incredible Connection, Game and Dion Wired.)

Gifts for over R1000

Hydration Pack
If you or your loved ones are planning on hitting the trails, you should invest in a hydration pack. They come in all shapes and sizes, are designed specifically for men or women, and vary from a simple bladder to a bag big enough to store a jacket, chafing cream, dry socks and other odds and ends. (R400-R1000 at various sports and outdoor stores.)

Garmin Forerunner 60 / Forerunner 405
Both these nifty watches with heart rate monitors will track your distance, heart rate, calories burnt as well as measure your speed when running. Also, advanced training tools such as training alarms and a virtual training partner will help you improve your running in no time! If you want something more fancy with even more functions, opt for the Garmin Forerunner 405, which is more like a portable computer. The only thing it won’t do is make you a cup of coffee! (R1800-R3800 at all various sports and outdoor stores.)

Rudy Project Running Glasses
The official eyewear of the Comrades Marathon, you’ll have to look hard to find better running glasses. The ImpactX photochromic lenses transition from light to dark in record time, making them perfect for running. They are so lightweight and comfortable, you’ll soon forget you’re wearing glasses. Try the Rydon or Swift models, which offer numerous lens options. (Approximately R1900-R2300 at optometrists and cycling shops – go to for a list of stockists.)

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and get shopping – and Happy Holidays!