Learn How to Run Well Episode Two

In our second installment of Modern Athlete Live – Learn How to Run Well, brought to you by Traumeel®S, we did an easy-to-follow flow style class showing you how to warm up the body before you run! Aimed at getting key muscles ready to run and prevent injury, this is a must-do for runners who want an easy-to-remember, step-by-step guide on what you should be doing before every run!

Learn to Run Well Episode One

Welcome to the first episode of our Learn to Run Well Series, proudly sponsored by Traumeel®S, your reliable running partner. Mariné Calitz of Novaturient Pilates takes you through a deep muscle release with something simple that we all have access to, a tennis ball! The full episode below is available to watch ‘free of charge,’ so get your tennis ball ready and feel that release! #Malive #learntorunwell