Time Manage to Manage Training

Roxy’s Runs


I ran
before I was pregnant and while I was pregnant, so it was obvious that I was
going to run quite soon after my pregnancy,although with quite a difference.Because
now, instead of Baby Roxy listening to the beat of my footsteps while tucked
safely in my tummy, she is tucked into her own chariot making encouraging
noises with mom sweating away!



with your baby in her own set of racing wheels is one of the best gifts you can
give your child and yourself. While it holds great physical and emotional
benefits for you and babba, it also means there are no excuses for any new
parent not to exercise.


I always
knew running would become part of Roxy’s world from a very young age, so just
before she hit the six-month mark we bought her an early Christmas present, her
own chariot. Choosing one wasn’t an easy task, but we eventually settled on a
Baby Jogger.


Roxy was
strapped in the very next day, initially for a gentle walk but very soon for a
light trot and eventually for 10km runs! And she absolutely loves it. The first
few kays start out with Roxy’s very encouraging noises to mom and then lots of
babbling to the trees and flowers, but from the 5th kilometer,with
the all familiar beat of my footsteps in the background, she falls sound



For me,
the greatest benefit is the time spent with Roxy. When the two of us go for our
run, it is not about listening to my Ipod, walking the dogs, training for a
race, running at a time trial pace or concentrating on hills. The time spent is
purely about Roxy and I. It is about introducing her to something her mom loves
and at the same time exposing her to a sporting lifestyle form a young age.



with a baby jogger is definitely more challenging that running alone and I’ve
realized it definitely adds to my fitness. You burn more kilojoules with baby
in tow thanks to the added weight you are pushing while it also helps
strengthen core and upper body.


I have now
included some “Roxy Runs” into my weekly training schedule for my two 2013
goals: Two Oceans and Comrades. It is not replacing my quality sessions or my
long runs, but it certainly is making me physically stronger – and more
importantly allowing me some special time with my baby girl.


So no
matter who you are, be it a regular runner of even just someone who wants to
maintain a fitness level, take to the roads…with baby!