It’s less than three hours until we finally head to Antarctica. I must say there are a few butterflies floating around my stomach this morning, but the adrenalin is pumping through me and I can’t wait to start. I think the first stage will be on Saturday and could be a 100miler… what a place to run my first 100miler!?
Otherwise all is good, I have spent the last few days taking it really easy and shooting some footage for Dean (Wandering Fever) and I hiked up to a massive glacier above Ushuaia, which was insane until it started pouring down with rain and the temperature dropped about 10 degrees. We went to the National Park yesterday, which was really beautiful but I don’t think Dean appreciated hiking 8km with a 20kg bag loaded with camera gear!!
Ok time to head for quick run before getting on the boat…. The sea looks super calm today…I hope it stays that way!!
Thanks to everyone for your messages of support and encouragement!!!
Keep you posted